Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Big Idea Part 2 (Double Feature Story Outline)

While I don't have the plot fully worked out yet, here's my general idea.


    The first act would introduce our 2 lead characters in the real world. For this example, let's just call them Brady and Mack. They would discuss news about the (name TBD) franchise getting another remake. This would spark a conversation about remakes and reboots, which would end with them deciding to watch the already-released 2009 remake. One of them is a huge fan of the remake despite never having seen the original movie, while the other has never seen the remake since they love the original and think a remake could never be as good (especially because it was a remake from the 2000s). Whilst this argument is happening, we see the film playing in the background up to the point where a girl is about to become the opening kill. It is at that point that our 2 leads are transported into the movie (I haven't figured out how or why they're transported into the movie, but let's just leave it vague for now so I can keep going). They manage to save the girl from being killed and have now changed the story of the movie. Since Brady is a huge fan of the movie, he is just totally loving being in this world and being able to interact with some of his favorite characters, while Mack is very concerned about the fact that they’re literally trapped in a movie. Somewhere around the end of 2nd act, our characters would have found something that they think would take them back to the real world, but then they're transported to the world of the original 80s horror movie, and the killer follows them. Once they're there, the characters from all 3 worlds have to work together to defeat both killers (the 80s one and 2000s one) and they eventually do so. Brady and Mack are taken home to their world where it's revealed that their reality has changed. The 2000s reboot of the (name TBD) franchise continued on and received many sequels, as the new meta storyline was very popular with viewers.


As you can see there are many elements I haven't exactly figured out how to do or have them make sense. Luckily, a lot of this story WON'T be shown in the trailers, but it is still very helpful to have this story planned out so that I can reference the order of events when editing trailers or other promotional material.

Speaking of ideas for promotional material... that's my next blog post. Go over there and check it out right now!


(To continue on what seems to be the recurring theme of musicals inspiring my work, I wrote the entire plot you just read above whilst listening to “That Beautiful Sound” from Beetlejuice The Musical on repeat.)

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